Monday, March 7, 2011

new road

There were many times in my past where I would be walking or driving down a new road and I would suddenly feel like there was a bad vibe there. If my husband was with me I would actually say to him that this place has a negative energy. The other day I was walking my dog and I decided to turn down a street I'd never been down before. I started to feel that same feeling but this time I realized that it wasn't actually the energy of the road that was bothering me, it was the fact that it was new and unknown. I didn't know this place and it felt uncomfortable and unsafe for me. As soon as I realized this the feeling dissipated and the new road felt fun and exciting. Right now I feel like I am on a new road internally too, a road of the heart space where you only do what the heart wants instead of doing what the mind says you should do. There are times when this feels uncomfortable and unsafe. My mind starts to say "wait, you should be worrying about things so that we can get things done". And just like I noticed the truth of my feelings on that road that day I am now noticing that what my mind is saying is not true.
I still have not been jumping out of my seat to choose things to do in and with my life. This still feels a little odd but I was listening to a recording of my guru Dr Peebles and he was saying to someone that the reason they are feeling neutral about everything right now is because they are letting go of the old patterning of doing what the mind says they should do. You move through this phase of neutrality into a place of only doing what the heart wants to do. This comforted me a lot and made me feel even more okay with being where I am right now. All is well.

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